Things are almost back to normal .. almost ... and the best thing is that part of being busy was due to the So you think you can Dance Canada Top Ten Tour that was in Montréal this past Saturday. I had purchased tickets months ago and was not disappointed with the big show.
It was amazing to see all that talent live and in real time, and the quantity of routines was staggering. I would have to say that I saw almost all of my favorite numbers, and was in awe and half deaf due to all the screaming fans that were there. Nico was clearly the fan favorite, as his every appearance brought the crowd to their feet in ovation and the requisite screaming. He was closely followed in crowd appreciation by the other 2 from Québec, Danny and Vincent. Arassay and Lisa seemed to be very popular in Montréal and got the biggest ovations from the crowd, but that is not to say that the rest of the Top Ten were not appreciated, but it wasn't on the same level. It almost goes with out saying that the hometown boys are going to get the biggest cheers, and our fair city did not miss a beat. It was a great evening with a very eclectic crowd of people of all ages and a ton of fun. My ears may never be the same but sometimes you have to take one for the team. Season 2 was recently announced and I can hardly wait to see the next round.
Things should be more back to normal after this week and I have to rant about Survivor and Dollhouse. More to follow...