Sunday, August 07, 2011

Weekend Rant - More on the Sparkle Bra Saga

Canada's Top 14 Dancers
So you think you can Dance has been monopolizing the viewing schedule 4 nights per week with 2 series playing at the same time.
On the Canadian side of things,  the Canadian production team was in super sneaky mode this week concerning the eliminations, so there was not a Sparkle Bra to be seen in the house, so there went my indicator for who was going to be sent home this week. I find it a little curious that a couple of the things that I mentioned here have been addressed on the show and am still waiting for some kind of performance from Tré.
I could not believe that most of the best performers were in jeopardy, and even more stunned to see Jordan and Joey (my 2 faves) in trouble. It is terrible to see great dancers under-appreciated and I hope that the voting public wakes up and votes for the best dancer and not just because he is kind of like Justin Bieber light.

American Top 4
Things are getting down to the wire with the American show, and besides the last episode being all about Melanie (well deserved, she is an astounding dancer and performer) it was full of great performances by some of the other dancers including my other favourite, Tadd. I love his energy on stage and have been really impressed by all the dances he has been doing out of his genre and he has been kicking butt. Sasha has been fierce and done some great stuff, as has Marko, but I am pretty sure that Melanie will win the season. At least our friends to the south continued the Sparkle Bra tradition and Caitlynn was sent home,along with the amazing Ricky but some one had to go. I am really looking forward to the finale this week and the chance to see some incredible dance numbers using all sorts of combinations of the final four.