Dancing with the Stars broke my heart this week with the sudden departure of Misty May-Treanor due to an injury... Rocco got to stay for another week due to the tragedy, but I can't believe that Maks is already gone, I really hoped it was his year to go to the finale. The dancing was good and at least there are a few other "Stars" that help make the show fun, and I am always hyped to see what kind of wacky antics Cloris will get into (the woman is sheer entertainment), but I am still a little shell shocked over the whole incident and to make matters worse, I had seen Misty & Maks make a guest appearance on The Soup hours before the mishap.
If Toni Braxton can stop being such a drama queen about the competition I would put my support behind her, but at this time I am rooting for the big guy, Warren & Kym and of course, my other favorites Lance & Lacey. Me thinks the chef will be disposed of next week unless he gets some rhythm real fast.
Chuck VS the Seduction was the perfect return to the regular feel and flow of the show. Chuck is trained by Seduction expert Super Spy Roan (played brilliantly by John Larroquette) to seduce the ultra sexy bad Spy Sasha Banacek (played by the ultra hot Melinda Clarke who plays those bad girls so well) and in the process we get a very hot kiss between him and Sarah. There was so many things about the episode that I loved that it felt just like last season, but even better.
Some of my favorite parts included:
--The great new top secret HQ under Orange Orange. Yogurt is way sexier than wieners.
-- Roan lived up to his reputation with his martini swilling and his uncanny ability to get our tough as nails General Beckman to let her hair down. Chuck's comment that Roan's liver must look like camouflage had me snickering.
-- The training session, the obvious tension and affection between Sarah and Chuck is getting even more obvious and I loved how Roan goaded them on to kiss ... and wow ! what a kiss that was.
-- The Nerd Herd is going insane and revolting at the Buy More after Lester becomes the new Assistant Manager and is trying to be El Jefe the supreme dictator. Big Mike gives Lester advice from Animal Planet on how to deal with the staff : "Find the wounded gazelle and pounce!" Which of course was totally nerd worthy and it was another of those Priceless Moments on this show. When Lester pulled out the Wheel of Misfortune, which assigns the worst jobs to do around the store and wanted the staff to play it I almost lost it. The whole storyline at work was hilarious and I am happy to see the same chemistry and shenanigans with the gang at work.
-- Roan coaching Chuck during the assignment and pulling out all the stops. I loved his "be a bastard" phase that seemed to catch our sexy bad spy's attention, well at least enough for her to want to do the wild thing with Chuck.
-- The tension between Casey and Roan was great until he was told that Roan had failed him more than once because Casey's old partner was too hot, and that was the reason he had to repeat the seduction course more than once. That soothed our tough guy's ego.
-- Chuck's leap of faith off the building to save the day, and once he lands he says "and the Russian judge gives it a 9.4", which gets even funnier as it has changed Lester's "Under New Assistant Manager" banner in to " New Ass Man" banner which gets Big Mike to stop and pause and then make the comment that he isn't new.
-- Captain Awesome making the mistake of taking advice from Morgan on how to romance Ellie but making up for it in a way more awesome way.
These are just a few of the examples of why I love this show so much.Nice to see that things are back to normal and even better.... except now Bryce is back and that means nothing good for Chuck.
Heroes has me hooked with the current Villains storyline. Good writing, some great acting and action but why do so many shows have to use flash forward or flashback sequences constantly? It seems like we spend less time in the NOW but the stuff that is/will/has happening is interesting, I just get confused with the apparent time paradoxes that are all over the place, but I have a ton of other questions such as:
Where the hell is Monica? At this point I am not convinced that Tracy is the only other sister (triplets?) from the house of Niki or is there even more manufacturing going on? When is Suresh going to turn into the Fly?
Even though I don't like some of the plot development, I thought it was very clever that Matt is following his totem (the Turtle) to find the Speedster... slow and steady wins the race. The revelation that Sylar (Gabriel) is also a Petrelli has me spinning a bit, I am not sure if that is truth or more manipulation by Mother Dearest. Mrs.Petrelli has turned into the coldest and most fascinating character on the show and grabs my attention each time she is on screen.
Pushing Daisies gave me another moment of sheer pleasure this week with Circus Circus, and it was a visually stunning, hilarious and incredible as I expect in an episode of this series. The whole dead Mime thing could only have been topped by the hilarious Clown Car in the water... complete with 15 drowned clowns in it... yup, they had to do one of those sight gags of body after body being brought up from the tiny car( I loved that one clown that had those long,long legs) and you have to have a pretty dark sense of humour to really appreciate some of the nuances of this show. Of course it hits all of the right notes with me. The startling visual difference between the Circus world and then the Nunnery was another gleaming example of the incredible art direction in this series, both are very colourful but you get such a difference sense and feeling and even texture from each of the worlds. Olive and Aunt Lily in the Chapel has got to be some of the funniest stuff about Nuns that I have seen in quite a while, the liquor bottle in the bible and Lily's coordinating eye patch had me in hysterics. Olive has an epiphany about love and keeping memories alive that she shares with Lily, she also reveals that she is still in love with Ned and that Ned loves someone else. It looks like things might be colliding soon in trying to keep these universes apart.
So you think you can Dance ? Canada went through the first week of competition and elimination and I was really impressed with the quality of dance for the first week of competition. Breanne and Kevin got cut (I was surprised that it was Kevin, he did a great job but Dario is an incredible soloist and I think that saved his ass this week). I was surprised that Izaak wasn't shown the door as I felt he was the weakest.
Vincent and Lisa pulled out probably the best performance of the evening with their contemporary number (it was beautiful), but I am disappointed that we don't know much about the choreographers or their background and I hope that will be be explored more. We have such a vibrant dance community in Canada that I hope we get to see all the different genres and hopefully some of the big names like Margie Gillis or Edouard Locke showing up. Arassay and Nico are my choice of the hottest couple at the moment -- those 2 are smoking hot together. The competition is great and I am really enjoying the show.
Survivor Gabon bounced back this week with a tribal shuffle, and I was probably as happy as Charlie that he and Marcus got to stick together. I find their little bromance too cute for words and disappointed that we haven't been seeing enough of these two.
The new status quo has changed the standings of a few of the players, and it looks like Sugar is not that respected and she was not chosen for one of the teams, but instead got to lounge at the Exile Hut that is not really quite Exile Island(she already found the Idol) while the new tribes eliminated one of their players after competition. The competition was completely dominated by the new Kota tribe and in the end it was too late for Jacquie and she was ousted. You can tell that some of the players are starting to play harder but a few of them just seem like dolts and I have the impression that GC and Ken are on their way out.
This season still seems kind of dull and I am hoping the shake up will help things but it probably won't be until after the merge that things get really fun.
CSI came back and alas, it meant the end of Warrick. It was a shame as he was always one of my favorite characters but I also know that actors don't always stay on a series for an indefinite period of time. The story was handled well and the emotions were completely palpable for the entire episode, and although I have the distinct feeling that this may be the event that precipitates the departure of Grissom, it was great to see Sara come back and help out the gang. It's never easy to say good bye to a friend and it's a shame that Warrick is gone. I always felt that could have done more with the character and I always hoped for him and Catherine to hook up.Unfortunately I think it's the beginning of the end for the series, we'll have to see how it works once Grissom has left as well.