The evening started off with the Red Carpet show featuring the ever popular Tim Gunn (and it was great to see how everyone adores Tim and values his opinion) and the hilarious co -host Billy Eichner who stole the show ( seriously -- the guy gets away with explaining a gay leather bar in NYC to the viewing public and then tears a nice strip out of the so called Real Housewives by calling them on all their plastic surgery -- it was all too hilarious.)
I found it was kind of short (being only 30 minutes long), but it had great flow and enough Bravo celebrities (with the occasional regular mainstream celebrity thrown in) to make it interesting. I was thrilled to see some of my favorites from Project Runway and all the other shows like Step it up & Dance, Shear Genius, Housewives, Flipping Out and all the rest. I didn't get to see all of the different "celebrities" that I love and it made me wanting more, but I was in heaven none the less being the huge Bravo junky that I am.
After our glimpse at the Red Carpet, we get down to the first episode of the new season of the D - List ( a slightly expanded season this year with 10 episodes... better than 7 but still not enough for me) and Kathy is in full form. Following up from her Emmy win (and " Suck it Jesus" speech that created lots of notoriety), our beloved red head is going to be hosting the New Year celebrations in Time's Square with Anderson Cooper on CNN.
After our glimpse at the Red Carpet, we get down to the first episode of the new season of the D - List ( a slightly expanded season this year with 10 episodes... better than 7 but still not enough for me) and Kathy is in full form. Following up from her Emmy win (and " Suck it Jesus" speech that created lots of notoriety), our beloved red head is going to be hosting the New Year celebrations in Time's Square with Anderson Cooper on CNN.
She is also dating Woz (Steve Wozniak - Apple co-founder) and is going to be presenting at the Producers Guild Awards. To me it sounds less and less like our dear Kathy is on the D - List.
Let the games begin ... Kathy and crew with Anderson Cooper (and playing drinking games every time she calls Anderson Cooper "Andy") was almost enough to make me pee my pants while watching Jessica get hammered. Kathy looked stunning and had I know she was on I would have caught her on CNN. Anderson Cooper is as adorable as ever and seems to be quiet the good sport. Kathy's mom is as fun (and drunk) as ever and it's nice to see them happy and moving on after dear old Dad passed on last year.
It's great seeing Kathy dating again, and you can't go wrong with an uber-geek billionaire. Woz seems really into Kathy and I love how she told him that he was just eye candy for the evening and to be available if she needs him.
Kathy at the Producers Guild Awards was too funny.... I love how she takes a strip out of Oprah ( and her boyfriend Gayle) and the show Planet Earth (which won the PGA award instead of her) and then slaying the crowd with her hilarious introduction for Simon Fuller the creator of American Idol. Paula Abdul please note: if you aren't there you give even more fuel to Kathy's fire and she was hot - hot - hot. Kathy really has a "take no prisoners" attitude and enforces a strict " offend them all" rule. The Goddess is coming here to Montréal during the Just for Laughs festival and luckily the Couch Potato will be seeing her LIVE for the first time -- I can hardly contain myself.
Anyways it was a great first episode... and the evening got even better with the A -List Awards that followed.
Major networks take note: This is how you do an awards show. No bad filler and lifeless host.
Not only did Kathy open with a great musical number (who knew she could sing?), but she promised to keep pushing the envelope until she was fired. I think Bravo knew what they were getting themselves into when it came to their host and I was surprised by how well the show flowed.
Since this is Bravo, most of the winners and nominees were from the Bravo/NBC universe, but there were some fun twists thrown in, like the Cook Off Quick Fire Challenge and the Fashion Show to raise funds. It's nice to see the "celebrities" offering their services for the event and it made it seem a bit more community oriented.
You couldn't get much gayer though -- there was the great spoof of the Janet Jackson/Justin Timberlake "Nipple-gate" fiasco and what other Awards show has recipients that think they are getting the Gay List award? It was hysterical. Any of our "mainstream" celebrities that won awards were very thankful and quite witty.
The strange note of the evening had to be Lauren Hutton getting the Fashion Icon award and being completely out of it -- 45 hours with out sleep? Yeah right....
Kathy had so much fun revelling in the spotlight that I hope they do an Annual Event, I am on board!