Thursday, January 31, 2008

Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency - Vegas Baby Vegas

In this week's episode we continue from where we left off last week....(the editing is atrocious with this series)....

...and it's still about her with "good friend and special friend of JDMA" Christian Audigier at the casting for his company Ed Hardy and a HUGE show in Las Vegas. There is all this drama created by her Business Partner Peter about Dominic and JP being already booked for a 2(x)ist job and that they shouldn't be at the casting.

Apparently Janice knows nothing of this, nor do the boys it seems and she dismisses Peter. Real classy and clearly shows the lack of communication between these 2. Anyways... dear Christian chooses a whole herd of models for his show and before you know it Janice and Co. will be off to Las Vegas for some fun and games.

We have a little interlude where Janice tries to play good Mom and takes Nathan to Ikea to buy him some furniture for his new place. She plays like a child on beds and couches, and then doesn't even pay for the stuff as she forgot her wallet. Gosh thanks Mom, that is a great gift. Nathan doesn't seem surprised and is probably used to Mom being such a basket case most of the time.

Once in Vegas, CC parties with the boys at the pool, while most of the other girls shun the sun like vampires. Desiree is especially vile and ends up being a major bitch. The boys look great in their trunks, and we learn that JP has been avoiding Rodrigo since their date. Guess things didn't work out ( we get this whole spiel from JP about not being ready for a relationship yada yada and what the hell is wrong with dating?) and JP comes across as a selfish idiot. Actually he always seems to come across like that (since his Survivor days) and is in sheer horror that he is *gasp* sharing a room with Rodrigo. Best way to fix that is to ignore the other guy and to avoid him, how very grown up. JP does do a little bonding moment with Payton and I wonder if there are ulterior motives with that....

Janice arrives and all the fun and games end and she lays down the law once again. There will be "No drinking on the job" as she finds it very unprofessional (we all know how Janice is known for her professional behaviour) and although a huge hypocrite, I have to agree with her and admire her work ethic. The models are kind of pissed but deal with it.

Rodrigo has his very own big gay moment, and goes on a Gondola ride with CC, who is completely shocked to find out JP is gay. Seriously? What kind of chemicals are in that skin product there missy? I am just surprised that Janice's number one fan (yikes), has no idea that JP is the big gay icon of JDMA. Maybe they don't have homosexuals where she comes from... anways Rodrigo pours out his heart and is really into JP. I feel sorry for the guy and then think he is probably better off with out the prima donna.

Janice and Co. go out to the big party put on by Christian Audigier. As Janice says, " He's French and you know how they love to party", and all of the gang are there except Desiree. Janice is pissed and if girls had pissing contests you know there is a big one going on right now between the 2 of them (I think Desiree is playing with fire). There is a "spontaneous" photo shoot, Janice and Christian fall in the pool and Desiree shows up late at the party. Nathan tells her to watch her ass and she pouts back that she "showed up and that's all that matters" ...besides she sees it as not part of the job and Janice has been trying to instill that work ethic in her models. It's all about networking...

There is more drama about Dominic and dealing with Jason from 2(x)ist to clear up the confusion over model bookings. Jason says that Dominic was booked, and that there seems to be some communication problems between Peter and Janice. Ya think? Janice works out a deal that seems to make everyone happy and is still fuming over Peter.

Finally we get to Christian Audigier's show and it is very Mad Max in that Post-Apocalyptic Thunderdome look. I was hoping for Tina Turner to pop up but no such luck. The models are hot hot hot and look fierce. Janice is thrilled with the show and it is a huge hit.

We finally get to the end of the episode and another HUGE cliffhanger (they have been promoting it non stop since the beginning of the episode) and all the models are assembled and Janice says "All I can say is that everything is about to change!"

and another badly edited ending... sigh.... so much manufactured drama and I can't stop watching...

Monday, January 28, 2008

Journey to the Center of the Earth - What were they thinking?

OK ION network-- I wasted 2 hours of my TV time last night watching this piece of crap that you called "an adaptation of the Jule's Verne classic".

I call it a piece of regurgitated phlegm that I can barely dignify with a classification. The sad part is that I saw the ads for it and thought " Great, an adaptation of a classic story with some decent actors."

Just shoot me, now.

Bad (oh so bad) adaptation of the story.... It's all Americanized, the characters are wooden, the pacing is terrible, it's just a big mess. Victoria Pratt proves once more why she has such a crappy career, she keeps picking bad roles that no decent actress would ever dare take. She probably saw that Rick Shroder and Peter Fonda were in it and it was supposed to be decent.

Yikes! All I know is that if I see the words RHI Weekend Movie again I am changing the channel as fast as I can-- no one deserves this kind of treatment.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Torchwood - Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Saying that Season 2 started off with a bang is an understatement. The Brits knocked my socks off with the return of Torchwood and special guest star James Marsters (bad boy Spike) as the uber sexual and very naughty Captain John Hart. Yup it's another bad boy character for James (and another with a British accent) but no worries as he pulls it off with great ease....

The Team has been "making due" since Captain Jack Harkness disappeared last season and we catch up with them chasing down (believe it or not).... a Blow fish in a stolen sports car. This isn't you everyday run of the mill blow fish, but one of those wacky alien beings that populate the Doctor Who universe.

Captain Jack Harkness appears just in time to save the day, and before we know it the gang is back at Torchwood HQ and trying to figure out what the hell happened over the past few month while another rift opens and our friend Captain John Hart appears. With in minutes of arriving, he kills a criminal and then zips off to a local bar, where he frightens off the customers and waits for Jack.

Jack gets a holo message from John ( both of them are rogue Time Agents it appears) that ends with a hilarious " Help me Obi-wan Kenobi, you're my only hope." quote that is another major geek moment and Jack zips off to meet with his old chum. He leaves the gang behind, something that they are most unhappy about and track him down. Jack meets John at the bar and after a long awkward pause we get some hot lip lock (that probably imploded the American censor's heads) and one of those rough fight/make out scenes that are usually reserved for Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. It's all very good stuff, and gets even more hilarious when the rest of Torchwood shows up and discover Jack and his former partner (in every sense).

This just adds more fuel to the fire that is known as Captain Jack, the team is still fascinated with this walking mystery that everyone wants yet no one knows anything about. Jack manages to blow over most of the fascination and once John explains that he is there because of promise to " a woman he loved that died" and he needs to find some wayward containers... so the team is mobilised to search them down. Jack knows that John is completely untrustworthy and warns the team, yet he says he wants to play along so he can end that chapter of his life and to move on.

There is some great scenes with naughty Captain John Hart and the rest of the gang and some great chemistry and joking with Captain Jack. Their chemistry reminded me a bit of the Spike/Angel chemistry and I loved the " Mine is bigger than his" jokes and the whole who's in charge/ on top bit. The best part is when Captain John takes them out one by one. He kisses Gwen and paralyzes her with some poisonous lip gloss (I guess that Jack is immune), knocks Toshiko out and then shoots Owen to keep them busy, and then sets his sights on Jack and Ianto.

I knew that Jack was kinda flirty with different characters (men, women or alien no difference) but was still a little surprised that he was asking Ianto out on a date. It was charming the way they cautiously agreed to go out, and I was in hysterics when John showed up and kept calling Ianto " Eye Candy" before sending him off to save his friends. John was the master manipulator, setting all the players up to pick up his pieces, and taking them out one by one. Jack fares no better and ends up getting pushed off the building and ends up sprawled all over a statue in the promenade and John is off with his treasure.

It appears that John killed the woman he loved for a diamond, and that you need the 3 pieces to make the key to get to the diamond. Our gang at Torchwood re-group (thanks to Ianto) and once Jack re-animates (the guy just can't die), they catch up to John as he opens up the treasure. Surprise... it's no treasure and John gets a nice little bomb that is attuned to the DNA of the killer attached to him. He takes Gwen hostage and there is a mad scramble to find a way to disarm the bomb before it detonates and they only have 10 minutes. The gang steps up and save the day just before they have to sacrifice Gwen.

All is well that ends well.... there is some more joking about John joining the team before he is sent off on his way via the rift but not before leaving what seemed to be an ominous message with Jack... I guess Captain John will be back again this season and I can hardly wait... damn those sexy Time Agents....

Friday, January 25, 2008

Chuck VS the Marlin

Ahh such a twisted tale of events. The season finale (damn) came too soon and this was another great episode. I love the episodes where the Buy More gang are in full geek mode and this episode was uber geeky goodness.

Some highlights:

Bad guys (Fulcrum) are looking for the Intersect (Chuck), and have started planting bugs in the Buy More to find out more. Once this is discovered, the CIA/NSA empty the store to search for clues and Big Mike discovers his store is empty in a completely oblivious and hilarious scene. Funny thing, Big Mike only cares about his Marlin (bought on EBay) and where it is.
Awesome has decided to ask Ellie to marry him, and asks Chuck's blessing before getting Chuck to hold the ring for him. In a series of events....Awesome asks for the ring as he is ready to pop the question to Ellie and Chuck thinks ring is gone when all of Buy More gets emptied by the Government, but in reality the ring was with Morgan who had taken it by accident and thought Chuck had gotten it for Sarah, and the ring ended up in the Marlin that had been hanging on the wall in Big Mike's office.....
-- take a deep breath now ---

... because the Marlin was taken before the Government emptied the store by Jeff and Lester who were drunk and thought it was a funny joke to play on Big Mike, and then thought the best place to store it was at Chuck's place. What they didn't know was that the Pita Delivery Girl (who was a spy for Fulcrum) was the one that had been planting bugs in the Buy More and the receiver for those bugs was hidden in the Marlin. Anyways.... if you have followed all that, all you need to know is that the Marlin was taken by Morgan, from Chuck's place, with the receiver and the ring in it and put in the Weinerlicious freezer.

We get a short but slightly T&A fight scene between Sarah and Pita Girl, Sarah gets locked in the freezer and Pita escapes with the ring and the receiver. Chuck arrives, is getting ready to try to shoot the lock and gets busted by fake Police who are Government Agents who are taking him into "Protective Custody"-- meaning they are planning on locking him away. We get some nice teamwork with Casey and Sarah working to save and protect Chuck (and to keep him free), and the story ends with Chuck finally getting the ring to Awesome, the marriage proposal with Ellie, and the ominous cloud that continues to loom over Chuck, whether or not he will stay free or have to go underground and lose his regular life, or will he be eliminated once the new Intersect is ready to go? Damn I hate these short seasons.....

Chuck VS the Undercover Lover

It has been way too many weeks since our last episode (damn strike), and Chuck was back this week for not one, but two episodes in the same night. I don't know why they had to play them both the same night but I am not complaining, after all some Chuck is better than no Chuck at all.

I have missed this show, it has the right balance of geeky goodness that I love and our first episode of the evening got me right back in tune with our nerd and his wild and wacky world.

Since this episode highlighted Casey (and a bit more of his back story) it was a great opportunity to see how Adam Baldwin is so fricking hilarious as the uber serious but seriously sexy spy... and everything from his affair with the Ilsa, his undercover name of Sugar bear (OMG), his drinking scotch while listening to Neil Diamond's " Love on the Rocks", the fight scene while being tied to the chair with Chuck and the whole "coming out of the pool scene in a wet tux" scene nearly put me over the edge watching this episode. Having the scene where he opens up to Chuck about his feelings for Ilsa ,and Chuck screaming " It's.... ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE" in response was one of those priceless moments.

In fact this episode was full of funny and priceless moments, the show is well done and they have done some great development with all the characters as well as the interaction between them.

There was a bit less Sarah in this one (Casey was the main focus) but greeting Chuck at Wienerlicious and offering him "The new breakfast corn dog with country sausage and syrup wrapped in a pancake" was insanely well written (and probably scarily true) and the whole undercover in the Russian bar and in the hotel was all very fun spy stuff.

My favorite Chuck lines of the night (besides the alive comment) was his statement that he always thought " Casey was like a Ken doll, you know, from the waist down" and his " I don't want to die a man-stewardess" during the big fight scene. We were howling with laughter at home watching this one.

Our gang at the Buy More were right on track, and there was some fun banter with the gang when Awesome and Ellie visit the Buy More to make a big purchase and learn what "Retail Therapist" means. The storyline was cute and the whole poker night with the boys was hilarious. Morgan playing all the angles with Ellie and Awesome being completely non threatened was more of the show being well, awesome, and I can't believe that it may be months before we see more... if ever....

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Project Runway - Fine... give him an excuse to cry

I swear there is some giant conspiracy going on over at Bravo to see how many times they can make Ricky cry on national television. Week after week there is always some reason for our boy to shed a few tears, and last night he actually won a challenge.

Let the tears begin.... Sure, I'll give him the win because he did do some nice work, and managed to catch the vibe that Levi's © was looking for.... but I am getting a little tired of all the product placement. (On a little side note - I do think it's very cool that Levi's © plays the gay version of the 501 commercial during Project Runway.) Yes it is a cool product and iconic and yada yada but enough is enough people.... I don't want an infomercial with my reality show.

Anyways... the Challenge is to make something out of Levi's © 501 Jeans (my faves) and the designers go in various directions. Nerves seem to be getting more frayed than the jeans at this point, and after a major bitch fest between Chris and Christian, our little Rooster boy gets very pissy and whiny about doing a challenge that feels amateur to him. All too much drama and I myself am getting quite tired of Christian's arrogance. His track record isn't that good and I really get the impression that he is just one of those bitchy queens who really thinks he is all that - snap- snap- snap right back at ya honey.

After all the drama and an incident with a sewing machine that made Jillian seem slightly animated (just for a few moments), this episode is still putting me to sleep. Even Tim sounds non-thrilled with it all and just repeating " Carry on" and "Make it work" to all of the designers. I am not sure if I can handle another monotone "Designer moment" with Bland (Jillian) and of course, Blander (Victorya, who's name is probably the most interesting thing about her) and will just skip ahead to the Runway and end results.

Rami being " fashion forward", hit it out of the park with a nice number with some nice zipper piping. Too much for Levi's © it seems.... but he seemed back in fine form (very fine...) and I have almost forgiven him for being such a knob last week.

Christian did a very nice take on jeans and a jean jacket, deconstructing (how design school...) and using the opposites for fabric (jacket became jeans and vice versa) and it looks smart... nice detailing on the jeans but not what Levi's © is feeling.

Sweet P did a nice dress, I just felt sorry for her after being treated like crap last week and then this week Victorya kept calling her Kit... I am happy she is still hanging around.

Chris was not as with it this week and his attempt to recreate the typical " little black dress" was off the mark, but not so bad to make him go home (again).

Jillian had me thinking the whole time : What was she thinking? Jesus Christ woman, that flashback to the 80's was hideous and you were damn lucky that Victorya was worse.

Which of course brings us to the disaster that was Victorya's Trench coat. Not only did she not have any original ideas (made a Coat last week, remember?), but it was so fricking ugly it deserved not only to lose but to get burned as well. Yikes.

So yes Ricky did win... and cry.... and I still think that he is like a one hit wonder and will be aufed soon, but congrats none the less. At least this week you had something to cry about.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles - The Turk

Here we are at Episode 3 and things are progressing nicely in the storyline and the development of the characters. I absolutely LOVE Lena Heady as Sarah... and her dream sequences have been "most awesome" so far. The whole sequence with the creators of the atomic bomb (the Manhattan Project) and the questions of whether or not to kill the scientists to prevent the creation of the bomb was definitely hot topic... but unfortunately we all know that this will not turn out good as the Terminators are still around. The time travel/conundrum stuff is hard to keep track of and can be a complete mind frack if you try to figure things out too much...

I love the bad Terminator (red eyes = bad) and his kidnapping of the scientist and the chemical formula from the future to make artificial skin... weird but effective stuff and I can hardly wait until he looks like his original self (this is the one that came through time after our gang). I wonder if this formula will grow hair also or if our Terminators have wigs they wear... things always appear so organic with the Terminators and it's interesting to see some of the back story behind them.

Our good Terminator (blue eyes = good) Cameron is still confusing me a bit as she seemed very human in her first appearance in the pilot, but seems less adapted since that point. She still acts like a huge freak at times, but I was laughing my ass off at her exchange with the girls in the bathroom at school. I love the character and can hardly wait for her to get all bad ass again.

I love our side story of our FBI friend who is still after Sarah and John... and the whole finding the bodies of the other resistance fighters from the future (who were found dead last week) and discovering that one of them has the same finger prints as a 4 year old boy that is living right now is pretty nifty.... I wonder if dear Agent Ellsion will become a believer eventually once he sees all these impossible things happening.

Continuing with our storyline of trying to stop the future from happening, Sarah has a lead on someone from Cyberdyne courtesy of another appearance of Tarissa, Miles Dyson's widow. No sign of their kid (he would be an adult at this point) but it was fascinating to see the character again (a couple of decades added) and her non shock as to Sarah looking exactly the same as the last time they saw each other. Sarah tracks down the guy (Andy, an ex-intern) who is a poor excuse of Cellphone salesman and who ultimately ends up hitting on Sarah and asking her out. It turns out the Andy is not such a bad guy, he is just an uber-geek and has built a computer that he calls the Turk. The Turk plays Chess, and can learn from his mistakes it appears and Andy swears that Turk is even kind of moody.

Sarah has her huge quandry to deal with.... kill Andy to make sure he doesn't create anymore Artificial Intelligence or destroy what has been created and hope this stops some of the events that are leading to the end of mankind? John takes center stage for awhile, and you really see his future leader potential as he tries to get more information from Mom (who is completely technologically challenged it seems) and explains about the Singularity. The Singularity is the time when a computer becomes self aware and is able to build better versions of its self with out any human assistance. It's the big Terminator Judgement day scenario, where if that happens you better just kiss your ass good bye because there is nothing you can really do at that point. Sarah decides to torch Andy's house and destroy his work.

This makes me wonder why Sarah didn't kill Andy...? Was she following her instincts or did I miss something in the story? I know she was mulling around the destroy the creator or the creation since her dream, and it seems the Andy is not really involved with Cyberdyne so is it her humanity that she is trying to assert so they are not like the machines in the future that destroy what they can't control or understand? It certainly left some food for thought this episode.... and I am looking forward to seeing what happens next.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Amazing Race Season Finale - TK & Rachel Win

As predicated last week ( and at least it didn't go all reverse karma on me) TK & Rachel won this round of the Race in a nail biting finale that zipped by at such speed I was almost happy it wasn't a 2 hour event. Still... this show deserves a big Finale night to get the respect it deserves.

Now on with that Finale... all of our teams go from Tapei to Anchorage Alaska and find out it's our final destination city. I feel slightly miffed as I think this is the first year the Race hasn't stopped in Canada and I wonder why? Just wondering...

Anyways... our final 3 teams arrive, and are off to a local Outdoor store for supplies and a clue. Here we have the first Challenge of the evening: The teams have a choice of searching for a tiny clue in huge Cod that they have to butcher, or search for a live crab with a label on it in a vat of not so happy crabs.

Daddy Dearest & Christina go for the cod and finish quickly. TK & Rachel go for the crabs, and Gramps & Nicholas realize that they forgot to get their gear at the Outdoor store and have to go back and get it.... this, of course, pisses Don off ( which I can understand but give the kid a break, I always assumed both members of the team would look at the clue) and they end up losing some time. Before you know it TK & Rachel have found their clue and are off and catching up to Ron & Christina who have gotten to the next challenge. Gramps & Nick are bring up the rear and pretty much stay there from that point.

The next Challenge is climbing a glacier... after this very fast boat ride that might not be too environmentally friendly but looked fun as anything both team members have climb to the top. It's pretty vertical and looks like a challenge in crampons and using these huge ice picks. It looks dangerous as hell and I would not be behind my partner (or anyone else) in case they slipped cause those boots are damn scary -- yikes!

Ron & Christina get through with TK & Rachel right behind them. Both teams are looking pretty strong and our final team starts to catch up. Don did very well on the glacier, and I thought Nick was a little worried about keeping up with gramps.

When we get to the final Roadblock, it's a doozy. It's one of the those complex logic puzzles that makes the competitor have to choose 10 items from a very complicated list of criteria, and you have items from all the different legs of the Race. It is very complicated, you can't write anything down and all of the teams are exhausted from doing all of the previous activities.

Christina, Rachel and Nick are our final 3, and Rachel is definitively the most impressive. She is so calm and logical about the whole situation and doesn't get caught up in the anxiety of the moment. She finishes first while Christina and Nick are banging their heads in frustration, and she and TK are off to the finish line.

There is some more clever editing to make us think that there is more tension for the final sprint (which wasn't really needed, I was already exhausted from everything that they had already done) and in the end, TK & Rachel win, they are followed by Ron & Christina (and Daddy Dearest tried to redeem himself and just fell flat with his " this is the first time I can say I love you and really mean it" remark to Christina, you are a dirty bastard-- and I am glad you didn't win) and then Don & Nick who ran a good race and should be proud of themselves. Yes .. you did come in 3rd but in the final round it means you came in last..... but congrats on being the oldest guy to go to the end.

I am just happy that the nice team who played nice and were so mellow and supportive of each other did so well. But I bet ya Nate & Jen were pissed silly over this....

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Stargate Atlantis - Quarantine

Talk about a non-episode for the most part. Nothing really happened... sure the city was in lock down mode due to system glitches, but except for some sexual tension between Ronan and Doctor What's-her-face (the one that used to be the Engineer on Firefly), not much of significance really happened... or did it?

Here is what I got out of this episode :
Teyla is suddenly so pregnant she looks like she is ready to burst and we get the cutesy moment with baby kicking. At this rate she'll be ready to pop within a couple of episodes so we probably won't see her around for a bit.

The whole lock down sequence and everyone being in pairs was a tad cheap, and then adding the repeating dialogue between our various duos just seemed lazy.

Sexual tension between Ronan and Dr.Keller = good.
Zelenka getting all worked up over Carter = creepy.

Atlantis has really crappy windows that break surprisingly easy considering the city is adapted for being underwater and in outer space.

WTF? - The whole storyline with Rodney wanting to propose and the fake flu and all the drama was far from making the character more endearing.... just shoot him now and get it over with. Don't get me started on that cheap ass ring ... no big rock there Rodney and that probably won't impress the Botanist.

I know... I was happy for a couple of episodes this season but this one left me feeling all empty inside again... hopefully things improve in the next couple of weeks....

Friday, January 18, 2008

Project Runway - It takes 2

This week's challenge was all about making Haute Couture, the judges want something Avant Garde, which if properly interpreted means make something big and fabulous and completely unwearable, after all it's the look and big reaction that they want and they want it fabulous. Here's the kicker, the outfits need to be inspired by the model's hairstyle... and surprise, the designers get to team up. It is a team challenge yes but we are told only one designer will be going home.

Names are drawn out of a bag (velvet of course) and we have: Rami & Sweet P, Ricky & Kit, Victorya & Jillian and Chris & Christian. Team leaders are decided (painfully it seemed and with much trepidation), models are chosen, designs are sketched and we are off to get our fabric and then back to the studio to get down to it.

Of course there is always more to the challenge than it seems, and at the 11th hour Tim throws more grease on the fire and tells the teams to make a ready to wear (ie: off the rack) version that is inspired by their design that the other model will wear. Thankfully there is time to get more fabric because some of these teams are going to town with their big over the top design.

Most of the teams didn't get the challenge, and instead we got a bunch of boring crap that either repeated looks that we have seen before and before (I am talking to you my former favorite Rami), or they completely missed the boat (and that of course would be Kit and Ricky)... anyways....

Team Fierce (the over confident Christian with the fun & games Chris) hit all the right notes with layer after layer of organza (45 yards) that is an astounding work of art. The framing that Chris put together is phenomenal and you know that his experience in making over the top drag costumes really helped out. Their ready to wear part of the equation draws enough of the elements to make it work, although the skirt is very simple it's still fierce enough to win. The guys did a great job, but I find I am pulling way more for Chris to win now as Christian is really starting to get on my nerves.

Team Victorya & Jillian (or Team the bland leading the bland) did a great jacket (killer, inspired by the mohawk hairstyle) but their ready to wear dress was so second thought (and came out of no where) that they were good enough to stay in the competition but didn't win. Jillian is so monotone that I struggle to stay awake when she talks. It's. like. she. takes. a. breath. between.every.word. and she is driving me fricking crazy.

I was so disappointed with Rami this episode. In the space of one hour he went from being my favorite hunky designer to being an overbearing control freak that brought his partner to tears.Yes we know you can drape fabric Rami, but please do something different (was it me or even the color looked the same as last week?) and he treated Sweet P like crap. At least she got some nice feedback from the judges for her work (the ready to wear) and they are still in the competition.

Which brings us to the disaster that we call Ricky and poor Kit. Bad design choices, I mean a hoop dress with layers and layers of aprons is not Haute Couture....I have never heard the word cheap used to much in the judging of a garment... and I think that Kit got the boot because she was team leader. Ricky dodges another bullet, but surely he must be running out of lives eventually.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency - The Oily Skin Episode

This week was all about oily skin, with our group of *ahem* straight guys getting all greased up for their extremely provocative photo shoot for Rufskin denim. I don't exactly see the denim, but watching the guys get all greased up, pumped up and put into such compromising positions makes it all worth while. Poor Danny is getting all worried that he is starting to get typecast as gay with all the racy photos he keeps doing, but I am sure he will find some way to live with it. Janice certainly knows her audience and the photo shoot is pretty close to the most homoerotic thing I have seen on TV since a Queer as Folk episode. As Janice keeps saying... I haven't see this much butt cleavage in years (not to mention all the touch ups and ass shots) but I don't think anyone is really complaining.....

I will have to say that I was impressed (to a certain degree) with Janice's son Nathan and the double date that he set up. Nathan wants to go out on a date with Traci (one of the models, the one that Janice called fat and got her try on her skirt) and invites her and gets JP to chaperon, and even sets up JP with fellow model Rodrigo. Pretty non homophobic I'll say.... and I have officially decided that Janice's show is probably the most gay friendly thing on TV right now next to Project Runway. Of course the whole thing about dating a model at mom's agency is not a good thing as Janice will not tolerate business and pleasure mixing (and we know how professional Janice is), so they whole thing is nipped in the bud (as they say) and Janice makes sure to get in several catty comments and lay down the law (Traci was peeing in her pants she was so terrified) before getting to our other oily part of the episode.

Sensiclear needs a new face for their product, and boss guy asks Janice for her models with the worst skin so he can put them on a one month regime of his product and then choose his next spokes model for infomercials and ads. Janice sees lots of little dollar signs in such a lucrative contract, and does a very specific casting call for models with bad skin. I guess she will have her high fashion division, her Latino division and now her bad skin division of models to work with. Some of her "regular" models get to try out as well,, and we get treated to lots of CC (mini Janice) who goes on and on and on and on and on and on (get the picture?) about her skin problems and how she has tried everything and nothing works and cries lots of crocodile tears. It was just too much... and too over the top and yes so much like Janice. Anyways CC gets chosen for the tryout (meaning she follows the regime for 28 days and then they choose their model) as well as some other models that look like they really need the chance to use the product. CC doesn't outwardly seem to have such bad skin.... but knows how to work it.

There is a bonding moment later with Janice where we hear CC say that she knows all about Janice and wants to be just like her... sort of the " I am your number one fan" routine and I wonder if she is a stalker and will try to kill Janice and take over for her.... just weird vibes that I get from CC and she seems off... but then again so does Janice.....

There was also some drama with one of the new girls at a photo shoot and it seems that Janice is getting more and more tired of her partner... I think he's out the door soon. Hopefully next week more stuff will hit the fan or maybe some underwear company is hunting for new models.. one can dream...

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

American Gladiators - Hellga ! Hellga! Hellga!

After only 3 episodes I am completely addicted to the latest incarnation of American Gladiators, and my fave absolutely has to be Hellga.

How can you not love this hulking (6'1" 205 lbs) Valykrie that can crush your puny head and is just a hoot to watch. If you haven't seen it yet, check out the video for a Gladiator first.

I have been really impressed with the competitors, and our Soccer mom from last night impressed the hell out of me, pulling in the fastest time to date and kicking some Gladiator butt. The new challenges are fun, the competition has been pretty fierce (already 2 competitors eliminated due to injuries) and the show is finding it's beat. They have already been picked up for a second season and this looks like a remake that worked for NBC.

Now if we could just get some of the Gladiators to shut up it would be even better... somethings are better seen and not heard.

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles - About time

In a world of re-runs and bad remakes, this series finally breaks out of that trap (thank the gods of Kobal) and we get a good series, with great stories and some pretty damn fine acting. Lena Headey channels the Sarah Connor character so well that she picks up and expands on the original version played by Linda Hamilton, and although it took me a few minutes to adjust to several "No, this isn't Heroes or Firefly " moments with having Thomas Dekker and Summer Glau in the cast, I really enjoyed the characters and their interaction. The new Terminatrix is not only young and hauntingly beautiful (like every character Summer plays) but a different model, with some new abilities that we are beginning to see and I am sure has tons of surprises up her robotic sleeve.

You have to love the Fox network and their big over the top 2 night events. I loved the pilot on Sunday night and the whole time travel sequence (very cool) and then we get treated with a brand new episode the next night. The new opening credits are just too fracking cool (and killer in HD) and I love the feel of the series and the convenient way they have bypassed the disaster of a 3rd movie. This is way better Terminator stories, and from the way things have started it will be an exciting ride. I look forward to riding this one as long as possible... let's hope its not one of those Fox shows that gets cancelled after a season or 2 or sometimes less ... like.... Dark Angel, Titus, Action, Wonderfalls, Andy Richter Controls the Universe, Firefly, Harsh Realm, The Tick or Greg the Bunny.... but you never know these days.... only the future will tell. Quick! Someone send a robot back in time and make sure this show is a hit.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Amazing Race - Happy Birthday Jen !

Here we are down to the last episode before the big finale... and if it isn't Jen's Birthday. You know, of course, that this means it will be a special day for our very special girl. If you read my comments last week you know that they are the team that I am rooting for this week.(sarcastic ok?)

Things start out rough for TK & Rachel, who are fighting back against a 3 hour handicap and know that they have to do the dreaded Speed Bump during this leg of the race. After finding the building with a hole in it and the garden in the sky, our teams bunch up a bit at the airport, where Ronald & Christina snag the first tickets to Taiwan, sending Nate & Jen into meltdown mode. Christina smiling smugly and asking the ticket agent to tell the other team that there are no more seats left left me with a huge smile on my face as it is so nice to see our bitchy team get their come uppance. The goofy grin on Christina's face was hilarious and showed me her sneaky dangerous side, which is not necessarily a bad thing.

Our teams arrive in Taipei, where they have to go to Taichung. Ronald & Christina have a lead since they left Osaka, and at this point all the other teams have caught up to each other, much to the chagrin of Nate & Jen. Except for a small freak out at the beginning, Tk & Rachel are calm, cool and collected and continue on their merry way, slowly making their way to the front of the pack until they get to the Roadblock. This week it was a ride in an acrobatic Jeep (freaky but fun looking) that everyone zips through, and then TK & Rachel are off to do their Speed Bump, which means running a course while being zapped with fireworks which they quickly do, and catch up with the bottom 3 teams at the high speed train terminal.

This is almost too much for our birthday girl, who can not, for the life of her, figure out how this other team can do so well when they are trying so hard and the other team doesn't even seem stressed. We, at home, are laughing our asses off watching the continued drama and freak outs as our calm, cool and collected team of TK & Rachel continue along and get to drink their tea and meet the clown that gives them the clue to the Detour.

This week it was a choice between earth and fire. The fire (lantern) Detour looks really cool, but no one chooses it and they all opt for the earth detour where they have to walk down and back a 220-foot path made of jagged stones. Ronald & Christina are always in the lead, and finish first and are off to the Pit Stop. TK & Rachel arrive just after Nick & Don yet manage to finish quickly and arrive in second place (yippee!) and our dysfunctional team fights all the way and end up last. No surprise really, they are so negative and have such a meltdown getting to the final Detour that you just want to slap them. I don't think that we have ever been this excited at home watching a team get eliminated, and shed no tears at their departure nor their apparent relationship problems.

I am not sure if I should use the same tactic for who I want to win (choosing the team I want to lose seems to work better), but out of the 3 remaining teams I see TK & Rachel first, Ronald & Christina second and Nick & Don arriving last. If there is any kind of major foot race at the end I see my groovy and relaxed team taking it all, but stranger things have happened in the race.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Stargate Atlantis - Spoils of War

After all of my whining last week about Atlantis not taking the ZPMs, I had to laugh when I saw this week's episode was all about the Wraith having taken the ZPMs and getting a Cloning Hive operational. So much for gaping plot holes that don't make sense.... I have to credit the writers with resolving an issue that irked the hell out of me.

It was trippy to see the last few minutes of the Replicator war again from the Wraith persepective before our smart and dangerous aliens escaped destruction and were off on their new mission.

There was some headway with the whole Teyla pregnancy story and Sheppard not wanting her to put her into danger, which to some alien cultures, might seem sexist. I have to agree on that one as Teyla was willing to work until ready to give birth it seems, and ultimately it should be her choice. Anyways the whole point becomes moot as they need Teyla and her Wraith genes to pilot a ship so they can investigate what happened to their former Wraith ally (who they decide to call Todd) and what is happening with some mysterious installation.We do get some interesting back history of the Atlanteans and the Wraiths.

It's quite the site the Cloning facility, and to see the Queen in action and how they can produce thousands of warriors quickly is pretty disturbing. Since this is all because of the ZPMs that power the facility, our team wants to get them back and shut the facility down before it's too late. After the gang is captured (as usual), Teyla makes psychic contact with the Queen, and is able to take control of her, releasing the prisoners and then there is a big battle inside Teyla's head between her and the Queen before Teyla breaks free. It appears her psychic abilities are augmented by being pregnant (wtf?) and in the end they end up crashing the Wraith ship into the facility to destroy everything and leave empty handed. So much for the ZPMs.... and Teyla now realizes (of course) that she should be more careful during her pregnancy so will probably be out of the picture for the next while.

I am still wondering where Weir is.....

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Project Runway - Prom Date from Hell

The competition got way fierce this week with one of the most interesting challenges from the past several seasons. This week was all about reliving the horror of high school and the big night, the Prom.

9 lovely girls from some private school show up, matching uniforms and all, and not only are they the Challenge for this week, they are the models and have each chosen their own designer.

Let the games begin.... right away we have 3 hilarious situations:
Chris wondering who the hell would have chosen him, complete with some sneak peeks at his portfolio of fabulous drag costumes that make me scream for more;

we have Victorya who pushes the issue a bit to find out that her girl chose her, well because she was last and had no choice.... yup honey you were last designer in a typical schoolyard pick and that must sting....

and we have poor Christian, who has a budding and very opinionated designer of a client who wants a whole shit load of crap on her dress. Rooster boy's head almost exploded dealing with her and you could practically taste his exasperation with the whole situation, things were fierce and venomous.
Besides, Christian thinks proms are so tacky, and has his promo photo as a testament to this.

The girls all pretty much have an idea of what style of dress they want, and it appears that most want something a bit more on the hoochie side... low cut, show off my ass kind of things (I guess at 16 if ya got it ya better flaunt it) and the designers know they need to edit and make it their own. Not everyone is comfortable with the Challenge, and things get even more interesting when it is time for a fitting with the girls.... who arrive with their mothers.

There is lots of nit picking and the girls seem content for the most part (except for Christian's pain in the ass who doesn't like anything) and we get down to the runway and the aufing of the week.

Chris, Kit and Jillian do decent jobs and are passed through. We find out from the Judges that they only liked 2 of the dresses and it is between Sweet P and Victorya -- and I just want to throttle the Judges when they give the win to Victorya. Her dress was too " bejeweled" for me where Sweet P's was beautiful and elegant. Rami gets through because of his immunity from winning the last Challenge. I didn't really like his work as I found it too old for the model but he always does nice finished work. For some reason, Ricky was passed through even though I felt he had the worst outfit. It was so bland and lumpy that it just bored me to tears.... why does everything involving Ricky lead to crying?

So that left Kevin and Christian in the bottom 2..... Christian was willing to throw his client to the wolves if it meant he got to stay, and ultimately Kevin got aufed.... for making a hideous red dress that was Marilyn Monroe inspired and so wrong for his model. Christian snuck through, barely, but I still think Ricky should have left, he has been the least consistent so far this season.

Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency - Drama Drama Drama

Things are always in meltdown mode on Janice.... I am a firm believer in the kind of energy you put out is the kind that you get back (how zen), and Janice is such a wreck that obviously, things are always in chaos around her.

With so much manufactured drama (like last week's " Models for Jesus"), we also get thrown in the harsh realities of being a model, such as having to do jobs that you don't really want to and the whole eating disorder thing. I am still not happy about how Janice reacts to Crystal and her obvious anorexia (skinny is one thing but bones showing everywhere is just too much)... but then Janice does know the industry and the unrealistic body image that the guys and girls have to live with to be successful.

Strangely the guys have to deal with similar issues, but it usually revolves around being more cut and lean and we don't seem to have exactly the same issues... usually the guys are getting called on making out with a client or drinking and getting bitch slapped by Janice.

This week was Janice opening up a bit and trying to connect with Alexis who besides having some very lovely ribs (how skinny do these girls have to be?), has a self destructive side that leads to some nasty bruises and cuts.... hopefully Janice opening up and being available as a resource will make some small change for our girl, but I am not holding my breath waiting. A lot of these models seem to be pretty damaged goods (being pretty I guess is not what it is all made up to be) and problems seem to go hand in hand with the industry.

The boys (as usual), were having more fun with a little poker party (best done in your underwear of course) where the big topic was about exactly how gay Kehoe is. Pretty gay I would have to say but the boy does say he likes girls.... that will have to be continued later it appears.

Janice's son Nathan gets a bit of the spotlight after his return from Europe (mama Janice kindly offers to have him checked and flea dipped once she finds out he was in the red light district of Amsterdam), and there is a whole contrived scene of him getting Jennifer Lopez's fashion company (conveniently partnered with daddy) to do a look through of momma Janice's models. Of course his parents go on and on about how brilliant he is but we all know that ain't the truth and they are just trying to make him look good. Nathan may be cute, but not noted for his smarts nor his presence... the guy sounds like such a dolt.

Finally we get to the best part of the episode, where several of the guys are chosen for the very racy Rufskin shoot... very gay and very exposed. JP doesn't want to play and be typecast as gay (which I think is a smart move on his part) and once our guys are off to the shoot they get shaved, primped,oiled and everything but fluffed (you think...) and get very uncomfortable with the whole erotic vibe. Of course Janice has a moment of greatness when she arrives to check things out and raises hell about having Champagne there, and I do have to agree with her work ethic and her models staying clean for the shoots. It does seem more professional, just poorly handled as usual by our resident Diva. Things just start heating up with the photo shoot and surprise ... episode is over and now we have to wait until next week to see how far the guys are willing to go to get some shots for the company.... I can hardly wait.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

American Gladiators - Spandex Alert!

After more than a decade of absence, Gladiators has returned and I for one am a very happy camper. Not only do we get the return of some very big boys and girls strutting and flaunting all that muscle (grrr) but we get all the requisite bad names and equally bad attitudes.

I am not sure how it works in the tryouts, but probably you have to show up, be over 6 feet and 200 lbs (for the men) or be buffed and have a huge rack (for the women). If you have a real cheesy name (like say... Wolf....) and something that sets you apart from the others you might have a chance of being selected.

The competitions are similar to the original series and the new hosts are okay.... Hulk Hogan hasn't really been doing it for me so far but am willing to give him a try (I thought it was more brilliant having a sportscaster being the MC like in the original but this is another century...) and Layla Ali is growing on me more and more each episode. We have already seen 3, and my favorite Gladiators so far are Militia (oh my god) and Hellga (that's a lot of woman). I haven't seen codpieces this interesting since that terrible Batman & Robin film, but it's fun to see amateur athletes go head to head against these beasts. I just wonder why the contestants have to wear so much protective equipment and the Gladiators seem to be content in their spandex... not that I am complaining...

Monday, January 07, 2008

Desperate Housewives - Answers & Questions

OK... the whole strike thing is now officially pissing me off. We get the best season so far of Housewives (and a really, really good episode) and for what? Continued when? Next season? Crap...

So the answers: following up to the Twister episode before the holidays, Victor, Ida and Sylvia have all bit the big one and the neighbourhood is in shambles. The opening scene with the destruction and watching Lynette waiting to see if her family survived was very well done, as was the support of her friends and the small acts of kindness. I know it might have seemed cruel to kill off one of the kids. but for drama it would have been interesting.... and there is that girl that is half family that could have been done away with.... Finding out the Ida died was a shame, as she was one of those fun supporting characters that can make an impact in any scene, and learning that she saved the family made it even more poignant. The underlying theme of knowing those around you better and not taking people for granted was well played out, and the scene with Lynette and Mrs. McCulskey spreading Ida's ashes at the Ballpark was the perfect balance. Mrs. McCulskey quoting "Do not stand at my grave and weep" followed by " Dump her" to the madcap antics of running around all Keystone cop to avoid the police and finishing the job was a nice homage to the character. I don't remember if she was in the actual commercials, but it appears that Ida was a fan of the infamous "Where's the beef?" commercials from Wendy's and it strangely feels right for the character. Learning that she was a kick ass Baseball player in WWII was the icing on the cake and she got a nice send off. Thank god Lynette saved her ashes from her bad relatives and fulfilled her last wishes, even if it did take some sneaky switcheroo with the vacuum bag contents.

The best part of all last night was the whole thing with Bree and Susan. Bree has a contractor that she got via our token gay couple (mourning the loss of their fountain, there has to be a better storyline for these 2) who is fixing her roof.... so she is staying at Susan's while the work is supposed to be done. The poor contractor (Walter) got dumped recently and his old boyfriend just moved in with a new boyfriend and the poor dear is beside himself with emotions. It's all very drama queen and Bree decides that the only way to get her work done is to basically pimp out her gay son to make Walter happy. Of course not in a sexual way... after all Bree is the queen of the tease and knows how to flatter and flirt to get her way and expects Andrew to do the same for her. It's hilarious, and the whole dinner scene with trying to set up Andrew and Walter is a true comedy of epic proportions. Orson throws out some funny lines about boot shopping, and Bree is suddenly the tolerant PFLAG mom when push comes to shove. Susan and Julie have gotten accustomed to having supermom at their house who cooks, cleans and is the mother that Susan never was (which of course, she is not in the least offended by) and when they see the risk of Bree leaving, they decide to sabotage Bree's plan to make the contractor happy and keep Bree around as long as possible. I was practically crying when Susan was saying that she had gotten used to ironed pillowcases and she wasn't going to give up with out a fight. Of course if you get Susan involved, it will go to hell and Walter leaves (much to the chagrin of Bree and Andrew who was counting on getting a 60" TV out of this) and the whole scene of Susan going on and on about Andrew's previous young & hot boyfriends (which we need more of...) and the whole trophy boyfriend thing made me realize that I guess that Susan has watched cable as she seemed pretty up on her gay culture. After the requisite blowup, Susan explains to Bree that she needs all this mothering at the moment (being pregnant and having your hubby in rehab is a bit rough) we have a nice bonding moment with the wives. It was great humor and some of the best scenes with both ladies this year.

Gaby got shot down at Victor's funeral by his dad... and cut off and out of the will and has gone from richer to poorer it appears.... but seems to still want Carlos (when not drugging him) who is hiding the secret that he is now blind due to his accident in the Twister.... things look rough for these 2 if we ever find out what happens...yup this is part of the questions....

Catherine's secret appears to be out with Adam, who found the mysterious note and confronted her before leaving... something about Catherine being responsible for something with her ex and then she burns the note, of course to be found (partially) by Dylan who pieces together some remnants to discover.... what? what? what? arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Damn it this another one of those questions that I'd really like to know more about.... so please play nice, make some deals and finish this strike and maybe we can get a final episode or 2 this year... it would be nice and if David Letterman's company can swing a deal can't others?

The Amazing Race - Osaka Mash up

I think that after this week I will no longer choose a favorite team, as every time I do that they seem to inch closer to elimination. Maybe I should use reverse psychology and pick the team I hate? If that is the case then I REALLY HOPE that Nate & Jen win the race, as they are obviously my favorite team (sarcastic OK?).

Anyways.... we start off with our final 4 teams and are off from Mumbai (aka Bombay) to Osaka. TK & Rachel are off first, and arrive at the airport, book a flight and seem to think that they have gotten the best route. Our other teams arrive and take a different flight, and before you know it are running around in Osaka while TK & Rachel are no where to be seen. In fact, they have pretty much vanished off the face of the earth as the episode continues and we get see our merry band of travellers have to drive a cab in Osaka (which seems to be some confusing layer of hell of one way streets), and then can either Sniff for flowers or play Robot Soccer.

Considering that there is supposed to be only one real flower in a shop full of fakes, the majority of teams opt to go sniffing while Gramps & Nick decide to go play. Thankfully Nick was there to talk his dear grandfather through it (very cool robots) and they finished in decent time. Don is still hanging in there pretty good for being the oldest guy standing.

The biggest drama had to be again Nate & Jen. More meltdowns, bad attitudes and at one point they actually had a chance to win this round.... and thankfully didn't due to their bad attitudes and nasty energy. If they were nicer they probably wouldn't have had any problems getting a taxi or getting help, but with such bad vibes it's not surprise that everyone they ran into conveniently didn't speak English or wasn't willing to help.

Ron & Christina did better this round, and Ron tried to be better (a bit), but it was ultimately the fact that Christina can speak some Japanese that gave them the advantage and they finished first, arriving before (and pissing off) Nate & Jen. It was the lesser of the evils and anything that can make our meltdown couple go nuclear is fine with me.

TK & Rachel finally had a little montage at the end, where they did their thing and arrived in last place, only to find out that it was a non elimination leg and not only are they 3 hours behind but they have the dreaded Speed Bump next week before we get down to the finals.
Go Nate & Jen ! ( I guess.... if my new theory works at all...)

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Stargate Atlantis - Be All My Sins Remember'd

Things picked up a bit last night with the return of Atlantis. Before the holidays I was less than pleased with how things were rolling along, and they seemed to save the best for later as last night's episode was pretty good for Atlantis. Good story, better interaction between the characters and finally some plot development that seemed to go somewhere.

For the first time, I felt like Sam was in charge. Her exchange with one of the other Colonels was great, putting her foot down and defending her team. The quick exchange of Col -Col-Col as introductions was deadpan on... thankfully they are maintaining some of the humor that I expect with SG programs, and they delivered several times last night with Rodney and the Wraith scientist and later with F.R.A.N.

I was ecstatic that they finally acknowledged the Teyla pregnancy.... seriously though, trying to hide it in all the shots and using props (loved the flak jacket and hold the rifle in front of you all the time routine) was getting a bit tiresome and that is finally in the open. I assume this means the actress (Rachel Luttrell) is pregnant in real life?

Anyways back to the big story, Replicants destroying all humans, a deal with the devil is made and Atlantis teams up with the Wraiths against their common foe (very Art of War) and we get additional forces from the Travellers who join the fight. Of course this is great for Sheppard, who gets to team up again with his too hot friend/foe Larrin. These 2 have smoking hot chemistry and you know will end up together eventually.....

Rodney creates F.R.A.N (Friendly Replicator ANdroid), who is designed to attract all of the other Replicants and fuse them together into one big blob, and then they can destroy them all together. I find it slightly disturbing that this is a humanoid looking weapon (similar to terrorists that blow themselves up..) and although the concern is raised the plan goes forward, warts and all. After all, they are already teamed up with one of their enemies and it appears that the rules need to be more flexible in times of war and that in it's self is still kind of disturbing. SG doesn't seem to have "Prime Directive" orders like Star Trek, and I wonder if that is because it is less futuristic (obviously) and meant to be more "real"... or is it just a reflection of a nation at war? Anyways I never wax long on issues like that with Atlantis because it's not Battlestar Galactica and I don't expect to get that intellectual about an episode.

Anyways plan goes into action, things don't turn out quite as expected and luckily they can super implode the Replicant blob into the center of the Replicant world and blow everything up. There is a pretty cool space battle sequence, F.R.A.N is frightening and childlike about her destiny and it all goes kablooey at the end. There was some very nice special effects and the status quo seems to be back in effect as the Replicants are destroyed and the Wraith have disappeared. I didn't understand for the life of me why they didn't try to salvage the ZPMs from the Replicant world before teleporting out as these things seem to be always in high demand and it seems like Atlantis needs a new one every couple of weeks but that was just me ranting...

To my surprise, we see the Replicant Weir and her group at the end of the episode, checking out the destruction and I am happy to see her still around.... but is this good or bad?

Random Surfing - How to look Good Naked

I will admit that I did go out of my way to make sure that I saw the inaugural episode of the series, it was really to see Carson, who I have loved since I saw the first episode of Queer Eye. Out of the Fab 5, he was my favorite bitchy yet supportive girlfriend and I admired his fashion chutzpah.

I was not expecting, however, how much I would actually enjoy the show and I have to give credit to Lifetime for putting on a show that celebrates dare we say.... average women and is what they call an "internal and external makeover". Don't read anything naughty into that, because it's really about self esteem, learning how to love one's self and how to dress smartly.

Will I follow it regular? No.... makeover shows are really not my thing (unless it's a train wreck of a show!) but if I catch one here and there I know I will leave happy, and I think the world is a better place having a show like this.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Project Runway - Sweet Challenge

After a good break over the holidays, we finally got back to the Runway and started the year off with a sugar coated challenge. I do like the "make a dress out of unforeseen material" challenges, and a trip to the giant Hershey store in Times Square was new and original as far as locations go (although I loved the supermarket episode in Season 1).

After the mad scramble to gather up materials (Tim chirping " Designers you have 5 minutes..then 3 then 2 was too funny) we have the designers overburdened with as much candy and paraphernalia as you can imagine. Good thing Hershey sells so much plush candy and bags etc as the majority of designers decided to go with material and not candy. They did manage to stuff a ton of candy into their bags as well as things were really animated for the first couple of hours when they all got back to the workroom.

Until the sugar buzz wore off.... and then the tempers came out and they were mostly like petulant children that had spent the day at the Amusement Park and then had to come down and go home.... it was actually quite funny to watch and reminded me of why I don't want children.
Christian zipped through his outfit of Reese's Peanut butter Cup liners, and the Chris was hilarious explaining that he would never work with candy... been there and done that and I would love to see some snaps of some of his drag costumes that he has created before. Drag Queens always have the most fun and over the top outfits and I can only imagine what trouble he has gotten himself into in the past.

For some reason they kept showing crack shots of Sweet P last night, I don't know why we had to get all these looks at her cleavage and then a nice plumber's shot of her ass crack... just weird as far as editing went, but then the editors were all over Jillian and her strife to create a bustier and skirt out of Twizzlers. You kept thinking she would never finish or succeed and she did a great job and I applauded her creativity as she was the only one that made something out of candy... not the wrappers or pillows or anything else. It was very magical. Sweet P on the other hand created not one but 2 monstrosities that got her very close to being eliminated. If Tim Gunn walks up to you and says that your skirt looks like either a coffee filter or a maxi-pad then you know you are in deep doo doo.... I was peeing my pants with laughter after that comment and will find SOME way to work it into my repertoire at some moment.

Ricky did okay...some bubble dress that got him through and no tears! Chris was more muted and less flamboyant and did a very nice tube dress, Kit blurred by and didn't really catch my eye, Kevin did a nice ensemble but didn't have any of the candy elements, Victorya made a hideous dress that I have tried to block out of my memory and Elisa thought her Gretyl inspired ensemble was magical.... and car accidents and brain injuries aside it was not her best work.... it completely lacked magic and wonder which I really thought she would pull off for this challenge and of course it was the final nail in her coffin. No more spit marking or wacky yoga references, but we got a nice alignment to our chakras on her way out, and damn it if she wasn't just so nice about the whole thing... bye groovy girl I'll miss you most of all.
So if you do the math that leaves Ravi, and damn it if he didn't turn out a fantabulous dress that hit all the right buttons with all the judges. Guest judge Zac Posen seemed quite "interested" in Ravi (who was looking very fine last night) and there seemed to be a bit of flirty looks between the 2 of them.... or maybe that was just the buzz off of all that sugar...

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Top 10 of 2007 - Best in Show

#1 - Lost - Even after 3 seasons, this show has still held me in it's spell and hasn't lost any of it's punch. Lots of mystery, amazing characters and actors and some much that is unexpected. I wait with much anticipation for the next few episodes and quietly curse the writer's strike that is cutting my Lost experience short this year.

#2 - Pushing Daisies - Simply so different and quirky than anything else out there, it had to be near the top of the list for it's sheer genius. This modern fairy tale looks and feels so magical and has such brilliant banter and actors that I am in awe each episode. Bryan Fuller is one of my favorite writers and I am a huge fan of his work.

#3 - Battlestar Galactica - This show has stepped out of the bound of any conventional sci-fi show that is out there, and is simply one of the best written shows on the tube. The reinvention of the series has far exceeded any expectation, and the characters are so complex that I can hardly believe that I am watching a sci-fi show... simply incredible.

#4 - Heroes - The show may have slumped a bit at the beginning of the second season, but managed to come back for a good ending to it's second chapter. The concepts and characters are still interesting, and it appeals to the my inner geek and has even added Kristin Bell to it's roster this year. Good entertaining TV and some very interesting characters, they don't get much more complex than HRG.

#5 - Doctor Who - BBC shows us that TV doesn't have to be written with a conventional happy ending to be a good show. The actors are great, the characters are fascinating, the writing is good and I love the special effects. It's opened up a whole new universe of sci-fi for me and I love the Doctor for it.

#6 - Torchwood - With Captain Jack at the helm, this spin off of Doctor Who is cheekier and sexier than the regular series and just as well written. BBC has managed to make their sci-fi universe infinitely more interesting and real than the regular dribble that we are fed and it doesn't hurt that Captain Jack is damn sexy... and openly gay. This is the kind of stuff that probably makes some American's heads spin....

#7 - Burn Notice - A first person narration about the perils of a spy who was recently given a Burn Notice by the CIA made for a very witty and fun show this past summer. Jeffrey Donovan shone as the spy, and his supporting cast of ex girlfriend and old buddy (with his overbearing mother thrown in for good measure) made for some very funny TV moments. His narration was over the top, and his inventiveness for getting out of a jam was some of the best moments that we have seen since MacGyver.

#8 - Supernatural - The chemistry between the Winchester brothers is great, and they are really one of the best duos on TV at the moment. I love the witty sense of humor, the inside jokes and one liners, and the whole good cop/bad cop vibe that these two have perfected. The stories are solid, the special effects have been great and the boys are so cute how could you not love the show?

#9 - Chuck - One of the few new shows that made it on to the list, Chuck has been a nerd's delight with a great premise and some great actors. Computer downloaded into the brain? Check. Parody of well know tech assistance? Check. Geeky sidekicks in a dead end job? Check. CIA handler that happens to be a real hot chick? Check. Government agent that is the best straight man? Check. Hell there is even a character called Captain Awesome... you can't get much better than that, except each episode is always Chuck versus something, and that in my books is very awesome.

#10 - Bones - This show has the best unrequited chemistry between characters ( Bones and Booth) and also has great supporting characters. The main character is so brilliant yet so not smart about the regular world, the FBI agent is tough yet sexy... there is so much to love in this series and I love the humor. There is not much else out there that makes me snicker as much as this show, and all of the characters are fascinating. Pretty close to the best ensemble cast that I have seen.

Top 10 of 2007 - Reality Shows

#1 - My Life on the D-List - we can thank Kathy Griffin for another outstanding season of her show that not only gave us a hilarious look at the Gay Porn Awards but show the real pathos of her life and loss of her father. Kathy got an Emmy so you can "Suck it Jesus" and raised even more Hell with another special on Bravo. We better get more than 7 episodes this season...

#2 - So you think you can Dance? has helped bring dance back to the tube, and is the best damn competition between real dancers that you can not miss. Kat Deeley has charmed me with her height and "jiges", Mary Murphy has ruptured both my ear drums and we have seen the likes of Mia Michaels and Wade Robson make us cry with their powerful choreographies. Doesn't hurt that there are tons of beautiful boys either...

#3 - Dancing with the Stars - has managed to do the unthinkable and bring the variety show back to TV. Not only do we get surprising performances from celebrities that you would never expect to be decent dancers, but there is lots of humor, drama and fun. Besides, where else can you see Marie Osmond faint live on TV and practically hear the entire country gasp together?

#4 - The Amazing Race - there is a damn good reason this show keeps winning the Emmy each year for best reality show, because it is just that. We get incredible scenery and a fascinating trip around the world with real people that behave, well, like real people. There is always some one to cheer for, always the team that everyone hates and tons of meltdowns. It's like taking a family vacation and not having to deal with it yourself, and that can often be a situation that it's better to be an armchair observer than to have to go through it yourself.

#5 - Survivor - Still the original and often imitated, but no one succeeds like this show. Exotic locals, tons of Type A personalities and no food, you think that they must be border line psychopaths to want to do this show. I have watched from Day 1 and marvel each time at how we get such an interesting look at society and the interactions between people. I feel like an anthropologist studying social structure and love all the wacky challenges.

#6 - Project Runway - Bravo gets huge kudos for bring the drama of fashion back to television and making it so fabulous! Not only do we get some pretty wacky designers, but some very interesting challenges and the oh so gay Tim Gunn. Heidi Klum has made a new industry out of herself and paved the way for other fashionistas. I can't bear to miss an episode and find out who is in... or out.

#7 - Project Runway Canada - Imitation is the best form of flattery, and what better than having a home made version of a successful show? I had to check it out, to see if it had the same "oomph" as the original and was blown away by Iman as the Host. Her deadpan " In fashion, sometimes you just don't measure up." was delivered with such a tone that it made me cringe at home.... the challenges were different as was the supporting cast (but it was missing Tim Gunn and needed a Nina type character) but it was still gripping fashion reality and a scream to watch.... and yes I screamed a lot when they announced the winner....

#8 - America's Most Smartest Model - What other show would have the balls to have Ben Stein judge the intelligence of some pretty stupid models? Not only was there lots of eye candy and some pretty hilarious challenges, but we got to see more of the harsh reality of being a model and all the drama.... well actually I really only watched it because it was so terribly good and besides, some of those models were damn fine...

#9 - The Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency - Janice is such a trip and everything is so hyped over the top that it is SO bad that it is good.... and besides it seems like every episode there is some reason to have the models running around in their underwear or posing nude or...... you get the picture. It's voyeurism at it's best with a big helping of crazy included.

#10 - The Soup - It's not really a reality show... but it makes it's living by talking about them and spotlights all of the best stuff that is on the tube, and is must see TV in my house each week. Joel McHale is absolutely brilliant (and his writers) for the stuff that they dig up each week, it has some of the best snarky comments that you will hear anywhere and has created new icons such as Mankini. I can thank Joel for pointing out shows like America's Most Smartest Model that I would have missed if he hadn't given me a peek inside, and he makes me laugh my ass off each week.