Ahh such a twisted tale of events. The season finale (damn) came too soon and this was another great episode. I love the episodes where the Buy More gang are in full geek mode and this episode was uber geeky goodness.
Some highlights:
Bad guys (Fulcrum) are looking for the Intersect (Chuck), and have started planting bugs in the Buy More to find out more. Once this is discovered, the CIA/NSA empty the store to search for clues and Big Mike discovers his store is empty in a completely oblivious and hilarious scene. Funny thing, Big Mike only cares about his Marlin (bought on EBay) and where it is.
Awesome has decided to ask Ellie to marry him, and asks Chuck's blessing before getting Chuck to hold the ring for him. In a series of events....Awesome asks for the ring as he is ready to pop the question to Ellie and Chuck thinks ring is gone when all of Buy More gets emptied by the Government, but in reality the ring was with Morgan who had taken it by accident and thought Chuck had gotten it for Sarah, and the ring ended up in the Marlin that had been hanging on the wall in Big Mike's office.....
-- take a deep breath now ---
... because the Marlin was taken before the Government emptied the store by Jeff and Lester who were drunk and thought it was a funny joke to play on Big Mike, and then thought the best place to store it was at Chuck's place. What they didn't know was that the Pita Delivery Girl (who was a spy for Fulcrum) was the one that had been planting bugs in the Buy More and the receiver for those bugs was hidden in the Marlin. Anyways.... if you have followed all that, all you need to know is that the Marlin was taken by Morgan, from Chuck's place, with the receiver and the ring in it and put in the Weinerlicious freezer.
We get a short but slightly T&A fight scene between Sarah and Pita Girl, Sarah gets locked in the freezer and Pita escapes with the ring and the receiver. Chuck arrives, is getting ready to try to shoot the lock and gets busted by fake Police who are Government Agents who are taking him into "Protective Custody"-- meaning they are planning on locking him away. We get some nice teamwork with Casey and Sarah working to save and protect Chuck (and to keep him free), and the story ends with Chuck finally getting the ring to Awesome, the marriage proposal with Ellie, and the ominous cloud that continues to loom over Chuck, whether or not he will stay free or have to go underground and lose his regular life, or will he be eliminated once the new Intersect is ready to go? Damn I hate these short seasons.....