The competition got way fierce this week with one of the most interesting challenges from the past several seasons. This week was all about reliving the horror of high school and the big night, the Prom.
9 lovely girls from some private school show up, matching uniforms and all, and not only are they the Challenge for this week, they are the models and have each chosen their own designer.
Let the games begin.... right away we have 3 hilarious situations:
Chris wondering who the hell would have chosen him, complete with some sneak peeks at his portfolio of fabulous drag costumes that make me scream for more;
we have Victorya who pushes the issue a bit to find out that her girl chose her, well because she was last and had no choice.... yup honey you were last designer in a typical schoolyard pick and that must sting....
and we have poor Christian, who has a budding and very opinionated designer of a client who wants a whole shit load of crap on her dress. Rooster boy's head almost exploded dealing with her and you could practically taste his exasperation with the whole situation, things were fierce and venomous.
Besides, Christian thinks proms are so tacky, and has his promo photo as a testament to this.
The girls all pretty much have an idea of what style of dress they want, and it appears that most want something a bit more on the hoochie side... low cut, show off my ass kind of things (I guess at 16 if ya got it ya better flaunt it) and the designers know they need to edit and make it their own. Not everyone is comfortable with the Challenge, and things get even more interesting when it is time for a fitting with the girls.... who arrive with their mothers.
There is lots of nit picking and the girls seem content for the most part (except for Christian's pain in the ass who doesn't like anything) and we get down to the runway and the aufing of the week.
Chris, Kit and Jillian do decent jobs and are passed through. We find out from the Judges that they only liked 2 of the dresses and it is between Sweet P and Victorya -- and I just want to throttle the Judges when they give the win to Victorya. Her dress was too " bejeweled" for me where Sweet P's was beautiful and elegant. Rami gets through because of his immunity from winning the last Challenge. I didn't really like his work as I found it too old for the model but he always does nice finished work. For some reason, Ricky was passed through even though I felt he had the worst outfit. It was so bland and lumpy that it just bored me to tears.... why does everything involving Ricky lead to crying?
So that left Kevin and Christian in the bottom 2..... Christian was willing to throw his client to the wolves if it meant he got to stay, and ultimately Kevin got aufed.... for making a hideous red dress that was Marilyn Monroe inspired and so wrong for his model. Christian snuck through, barely, but I still think Ricky should have left, he has been the least consistent so far this season.